- You are encouraged to come and cheer the zone teams participating in our Feast-Day football tournament this Sunday. Also, kindly patronize the food stalls set up in the School Shed.
- From 1st July, the Blessed Sacrament Chapel will be open from 5:30 am to 12:30 pm and again from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm. We invite you to send us your feedback regarding these new timings.
- The Society of St Vincent de Paul will be having its Annual Gate Collection next weekend on July 6th and 7th after every Mass. Please donate generously.
- Holy Family hospital has organized a session titled ‘How Air Pollution is destroying your Lungs’. This will be in the Morello Hall at 3 pm on Saturday, 6th July.
- We wish you and your families a very Happy Feast of St Peter.