- The Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 5th March. Along with the usual weekday Masses, there will be an additional Mass at 6 pm on that day. Imposition of the Ashes will be done at the end of each Mass.
- Ash Wednesday is prescribed by the Church as a day of fasting and abstinence.
- On Fridays in Lent, the evening Mass will be at 7 pm, followed immediately by Stations of the Cross. Stations of the Cross in Konkani will be at 6:30 pm every Thursday.
- The program for Lent and Holy Week has been sent to you through your zone coordinators. It is also put up on the notice board.
- We encourage our youth between 18 – 24 years to register for the ‘Take Charge Mentorship’ program organized by the Archdiocese. Please see the poster on the notice board.
- During the month of March, Holy Family Hospital will offer a special discount to women for their health check up. Kindly refer to the poster for further details.
- Please see the Notice Board for the Archdiocese Women’s Day Celebration on 9th March 2025.
- A talk for youth title ‘The Love Project’ will be held on Sunday 2nd March, after the 6.00 pm Mass in Our Lady’s Room. All Youth are Welcome.