Notices for Sunday, 1st January 2023

Notices for Sunday, 1st January 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • The Parish Pastoral Council wishes all our Parishioners a very Happy New Year with the joy that the presence of God brings. Masses on the 1st will be as on any Sunday, including the evening 5 pm Konkani Mass and the 6 pm Mass.
  • Tue 3rd Jan is the Feast of the Name of Jesus and a special Solemnity for the Jesuits who bear the name of Jesus as the title of their Religious Order. We request your prayers for the 186 Jesuits of Bombay Province, an aging group, with an average age of 60 years! Please pray for vocations to the Society of Jesus and for our work in many parts of Maharashtra.
  • Next Sunday is the Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord. 14 of our children will receive First Holy Communion at the 10.00 am Mass. Please keep them in your prayer as they enter into this intimate relationship with Jesus.
  • St. Peter’s Youth – SPY, did a splendid job of organizing the 5 evenings of “Unwrap” – with something special for youth, children, elders and people of other faith in our parish area. The programs were well attended, enjoyable and effective in building community. Many thanks to SPY! We are glad that the Youth have taken over our Parish!