Notices for Sunday, September 4, 2022

Notices for Sunday, September 4, 2022

  • Post category:Notices
  • The Parish celebrates Teachers’ Day this Sunday 4th Sept at the 8.00 am Mass, followed by a reception for teachers in the Hall. We remember the contribution every teacher makes to each student’s quest for meaning and self-discovery.
  • Last Thursday 1st September began the Ecumenical Season of Creation which will be observed till October 4th. The theme this year is: Listen to the voice of Creation. Let us resolve as a Parish to find meaningful ways to participate in this movement for the environment.
  • This Thursday 8th Sept is the Feast of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and also Girl Child Day. There will be a small skit performed by the Women’s Cell, the SPY and Jesus Club at the 7.00 pm Mass. Next Sunday 11th Sept the Women’s Cell will present a short video at every Mass on the Theme of the Girl Child.
  • The Parish Suggestion box, opened on the 31st of August, has revealed some very meaningful questions and suggestions. These, along with the responses, have been put up on the Notice Board in the Church Lobby. They are also being sent by Whatsapp to those interested.