Notices for Sunday, 30th October 2022

Notices for Sunday, 30th October 2022

  • Post category:Notices
  • This Wednesday 2nd November is All Souls Day and the Parish will have Masses in the morning at 6.00 am, at 6.30 am in St. Joseph’s Convent, at 7.30 and 8.30 am in Church, along with a Mass at the Seaside Cemetery at 5.00 pm, and evening Masses in the Church at 6.00 and 7.00 pm. Blessing of graves in front of the Church will be done after the 8.30 am Mass. We make a special appeal this year, not to use non-biodegradable material in floral tributes and not to burn candles since these lead to pollution. Your prayers are precious!
  • The Jesuits of Ashagad and their tribal communities, thank you for your generosity in sharing your financial resources and in raising resources through the sale of items. The envelopes can be submitted at the Parish Reception or put into the Church Community Fund boxes clearly marked for Ashagad.
  • We are grateful for the remarkable success of the internationally renowned 3-day program of the Jesuits for young people: The MAGIS Encounter that was held last weekend in our campus for 220 young women and men. Special thanks to the Sisters of St. Joseph who accommodated the 100 plus young women, to Fr. Assis who coordinated the logistics, and to Tony Coelho and Brijesh Parmar who attended to every detail late into the nights!
  • The Annual Subscription of Rs. 1000/- to the Examiner is due. Please pay in the Parish Office.
  • Next weekend, 5th and 6th November, the Centre For Social Action of the Archdiocese will have a sale after every Mass, of food and other products made by the Adivasis of Raigad, in the effort to generate sustainable livelihoods.