Notices for Sunday, July 24, 2022

Notices for Sunday, July 24, 2022

  • Post category:Notices
  • Next Sunday 31st July, we celebrate the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola – the Founder of the Society of Jesus. The Jesuit community invites you to celebrate this day, thanking God for the charisms and mission that He entrusted to Ignatius and praying for a renewed ministry in our Parish. The 9 am Mass on Sunday will be a concelebrated Feast Mass and as many of you as possible are invited to participate in it.
  • The Senior Citizen’s Group invites all Seniors to Housie on Thursday 28th July at 5.30 pm in Our Lady’s Room. New members are also required for the Senior Citizen’s Committee. Please volunteer.
  • The Suggestion Box in the Lobby of the Parish has received suggestions and complaints. Our responses are displayed on the Notice Board in the Lobby. We also invite you to email your suggestions to us on the email address: or to any PPC member.
  • School children who have received First Holy Communion are invited to be Altar Servers in Church. Practices are held at 4.00 pm on Saturdays.
  • Our young people above the age of 18 are invited to join the Lectors, Cantors, Eucharistic Ministers and Associations like the Bombay Catholic Sabha and the Women’s Cell. This is a chance for the youth to take over the Parish!
  • The Archdiocesan Laity Training Centre is beginning 4 courses: Training of Animators, Training of Trainers and Marriage & Family Enrichment at Marol and an online Course in Basic Counselling Skills. Kindly see the Notice Board.
  • Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science invites applications to First Year Junior College and FYBSc Home Science. There is a Christian Minority Quota of 50%. Please see the poster on the Notice board.