Notices for Sunday, 8th April 2023

Notices for Sunday, 8th April 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • The Outgoing Parish Pastoral Council wishes each of you a very joyful Easter, with God’s abundant blessings of protection and courage. We will have a new Parish Council from June, for which elections will be held after the Easter Mass in each zonal Community. For Communities where there were no applications received to fill the post of Coordinator, within the timeline announced, the Parish Priest will nominate a representative, as per Archdiocesan Norms. We thank Ms. Genny Martins and the members of the present Parish Council for their leadership of the Parish during the last 4 years.
  • The Parish is happy to announce a Parish Rally of the Small Human Communities, on the 1st of May from 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm. Preparations are feverishly on. We invite every Parishioner to participate in this Rally. We request a registration, with a small contribution of Rs. 50/- per person, for the snacks coupon, which is available with the Community Coordinators. Do keep the day free and let’s have a Party!
  • The Senior Citizens group invites all Seniors for an overnight picnic to Lonavala Villa on the 14th and 15th of May. Please see the Notice Board for details.
  • We also invite all parishioners and others for a break in the hills of Lonavala during May: you can join any one of 3 camps of 5 days each or part thereof. Please visit the website:   
  • The Bombay Catholic Sabha, one of the organizers of the Samast Christi Samaj Maha Rally, will be organizing a bus on 12 April, for the benefit of parishioners, leaving the Church at 12.30 pm, to go to Azad Maidan for the Rally which is from 1.30 pm to 5.00 pm and to bring us back. Please register with our Parish Receptionist. This is the first time Christians in Mumbai are coming together for a Protest Rally. Please be there!