Notices for Sunday, 7th July 2024

Notices for Sunday, 7th July 2024

  • Post category:Notices

  • The Society of St Vincent de Paul will be having its Annual Gate Collection this weekend after every Mass. Please donate generously.
  • We have just received the 10 BE certificates from Ashagad. You may
    collect these certificates from the Parish Office.
  • You are invited to an informative session on the new Criminal Laws
    that have taken effect from 1st July. This session will deal with the
    impact of these laws on citizen rights and human liberties. It will be
    held in the Loyola Hall at 5 pm on Saturday 13th July.
  • Our Medical Center is happy to welcome Dr Tamara Lopez onto its
    team. Dr Tamara will offer dental consultation at 5 pm on Tuesdays
    and Fridays.
  • The Medical Center will be organizing a talk sometime in August on
    ‘Detection of Breast Cancer’. Please register at the Medical Center.
  • The YSS is conducting its annual stationery drive for the Ashagad
    Mission. Please send your contributions to the YSS office.