Notices for Sunday, 6th March

Notices for Sunday, 6th March

  • Post category:Notices
  1. The season of Lent has begun well, with a large attendance at the Ash Wednesday services. We will have a special series of reflections every Wednesday on 4 major themes, which we feel will make Lent more meaningful. The first sharing will be on Ignatian discernment, given by Mr. Montwyn D’Costa: the Academic Dean of St. Stanislaus International School and long-time partner with the Jesuits. He will speak on how a lay person approaches Ignatian discernment in daily life. The session is this Wednesday 9th March from 7.40 pm to 8.20 pm: this will be live in Church and also live streamed. Three further will be b on Solidarity with the poor, on the Ecological Movement and on bringing our Youth centre-stage. We hope you will attend.
  2. Stations of the Cross in English will be held every Friday at 7.30 pm. The Stations of the Cross in Konkani will be on Thursdays at 6.00 pm. The Confraternity will organize the Passo on Sundays in at 4.00 pm. 
  3. The Senior Citizens Recollection will be this Thursday 10th March from 10 am to 12.30 pm in the Church conducted by Fr. Savio de Sales. All senior Citizens are welcome.
  4. The Parish Pastoral Council WI ll meet physically for the first time in two years, this Friday 11th March at 8.00 pm in Our Lady’s Room. 
  5. Next Sunday 13th March is celebrated as Women’s Day in our Archdiocese. At every weekend Mass we will have a presentation done by members of our Women’s Cell. We are committed to working for the equality of women in our world.
  6. To mark International Women’s Day, Holy Family Hospital is offering a 20% discount on Women’s Health Checkup from 1st to the 31st of March. Do avail of this offer to invest in health.
  7. Those who have not yet returned the filled-in Questionnaire on the Synod, may please send these in to our Office by Thursday 10th. The Questionnaire is also available in Hindi, Konkani and Gujarati and we encourage those more comfortable in these languages to use these translated versions.