- During the month of May, the YSS will conduct Rosary in the square at 6:30 pm every day. All are welcome.
- St Peter’s Youth brings you a new version of Rewind, a fun and fellowship evening of games and music for everyone. This will be on Sunday 12th May. Please register soon.
- Senior citizens will have their overnight picnic to Lonavala from 28th to 29th May. Details are on the notice board.
- Those who make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel are requested to kindly leave their footwear outside before entering the Chapel.
- Many of you have expressed gratitude that the kneelers have been done up. You are requested to kindly avoid leaving footmarks on the kneelers as a courtesy towards the next persons who wish to kneel there. We count on your cooperation.
- We remind you that the Church gate next to the grotto is kept open from 8:30 to 11 am on Sundays. Those who come by rickshaw are requested to use this gate as far as possible.