Notices for Sunday, 5th March 2023

Notices for Sunday, 5th March 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • Next Sunday, 12th March, is celebrated as Women’s Day! At all the weekend Masses, a member of the Parish Women’s Cell will share after Communion on the topic of empowerment of women in the Church.
  • Lady entrepreneurs are being invited to sell their exquisite Homemade Culinary Delicacies on Women’s Day 12th March, from 9 am to 1.00 pm on St. Peter’s Square. Do patronize!
  • There will be a special programme for Women on the following Sunday – 19th, after the 6.00 pm evening Mass, on St. Peter’s Square. Please sign up for this at the Reception.
  • Stations of the Cross are being held on Thursdays at 6.15 pm in Konkani and on Fridays at 7.30 pm in English in the Church and on Fridays at 6.00 pm in Hindi in the Loyola Hall.
  • For the period of Lent, the Parish will continue with the weekday evening Mass at 7.00 pm: Monday to Friday.
  • There will be a Recollection for Seniors this Thursday 9th March from 10 am to 12.30 pm in the Church.
  • Next Sunday 12th March, the Newman Choir presents its Lenten Outreach, with the Sacred Cantata, “The 7 Last Words of Christ”, at 7.45 pm in our Church. This is a religious experience one must not miss!
  • The Parish Bookstore has 2 new publications at hugely discounted rates, which you can fruitfully read during Lent: Fr. Fio and Dr. Renu’s book on, “The Eucharist and Personal Prayer” and a Special Way of the Cross for Single Women.
  • The Don Bosco Hospitality Studies Department, Kurla is offering various courses. Please see the Notice Board for admissions.
  • Holy Family Hospital invites Women to a Community-Connect program on, “Health tips toward positive Menopause and Beyond”, next Saturday 11th March at 3.00 pm at Morello Hall and a discount on a Women’s Health Checkup during March.
  • The Society of St. Vincent de Paul – the SSVP will collect a yearly love offering after each Mass. Fr. Aubrey will now say a few words in appeal.