Notices for Sunday, 4th February 2023

Notices for Sunday, 4th February 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • To usher in World Day of the Sick, we will have Rosary at the Grotto at 7 pm on Saturday 10th February
  • On the occasion of World Marriage Day, the 10 am Mass on Sunday 11th February will be organized by Family Cell of our parish.  All married couples are encouraged to attend.   
  • The Presbyterian Choir from Chicago will perform in our Church from 8 to 9 pm on Thursday, 15th February.  Please avail of this opportunity for spiritual renewal at the start of the season of Lent. 
  • Mr. Anson Thomas is a social worker who has dedicated his life for those trafficked in the Red-Light areas of the world.   He will be in the Church Porch this weekend with books, literature and articles.  The proceeds of this stall will be used in the fight against human trafficking.  Kindly patronize. 
  • The Stop-Gaps Cultural Academy invites new talent and voices to join the Stop-Gaps Ensemble.  Please see the poster for further details.
  • A prayer service with Taize chants has been organized in our Church on Sunday, 4th February at 8:15 pm.  All are welcome.