Notices for Sunday, 2nd July 2023

Notices for Sunday, 2nd July 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • We congratulate the new Parish Council and look forward to a fruitful time working together.   
  • You are reminded that the gate next to the Grotto will remain open from 8:30 to 11:00 am on Sundays.  
  • All Youth aged 16 – 30 are invited to a session on ‘The Power of Music’.  This interactive session will be on Saturday, 8 July at 6:30 pm in the Loyola Hall.  Please refer to the poster on the Notice Board.
  • The Stop-Gaps Cultural Academy is presenting a concert of Gospel and Broadway music.  This will be at the Tata Theatre on Sunday, 27th August.  Please refer to the poster on the notice board.
  • Holy Family Hospital is organizing a free Seminar on Cholesterol, on Saturday, 8th July.  Details are on the notice board
  • The Bombay Catholic Sabha has organized an Electoral Roll Camp.   This will be held on all Sundays in July from 9:30 to 11:30 am in the Assembly Hall. Further details are on the notice board.
  • The YSS is conducting a Stationery Drive.  The items collected will be sent to school children in the Ashagad and Talasari missions.
  • A Sasta Sale will be held on the second weekend of every month. The proceeds of the sale this month will go as aid to Manipur.
  • We wish you and your families a very Happy Feast of Our Patron, St. Peter.