Notices for Sunday, 29th August 2021

Notices for Sunday, 29th August 2021

  • Post category:Notices
  • The Jesus Club will be celebrating Teachers’ Day next Sunday, 5th September. We invite all teachers to join us for the Eucharistic Celebration at 8 am to thank God for the selfless service of so many to our children.
  • This month the Parish is focusing on relationships, in our attempt to: Be the Good News in the World. We declare that: “We value relationships – within the family, in our neighbourhood and in our workplace – and we try to dialogue, especially in conflict situations; we practice forgiveness and generosity; and we make efforts to build friendships with all.” We request cluster groups in the Parish to work on strategies to implement this Mission Statement.
  • St. Stanislaus Villa at Lonavala is available for small groups of upto 30 people, including individual families and cluster families, for a rainy break, up-in-the-hills. Please ring up: 9619629652 or write to 
  • Catholics Students who wish to pursue a graduate degree in BMM can still apply at Don Bosco College, Kurla. For additional details you may check the college website.
  • This Wednesday, 1st Sept, is the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and the start of the month-long Season of Creation, an Ecumenical initiative to deepen our relationship with our Creator and with Creation. The theme this year is: A Home For All. Let us resolve, through creative and concrete action, to care for our common home.