Notices for Sunday, 29 October 2023

Notices for Sunday, 29 October 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • We extend our gratitude to all of you who have given donations or organized stalls for the Ashagad Mission.  Those of you who still wish to make a donation are requested to drop your cheque and envelope in the Community Fund Box or, in the letter box of the Parish Office. 
  • 2nd November is All Souls Day.  Graves in the Church compound will be blessed after the 8:30 am Mass.  There will be an additional Mass at 6:00 pm in the Church.  Mass at the Seaside Cemetery will be at 5:00 pm, followed by blessing of the graves there.
  • Please note that the burning of candles at the graves is not permitted.  We also encourage you not to spend too much money on flowers and to avoid bringing bouquets with cellophane wrapping. 
  • The Marriage Encounter Team invites all couples for the Marriage Encounter Weekend on 4th and 5th November at Canossa Convent, Andheri. This two-day residential programme is the best gift you can give your spouse for a lifetime.  Please see the poster on the notice board.
  • The procedure for offering Mass Intentions has been streamlined.  Please see the notice board for details. 
  • The Adivasi community of our Parish invites you to a celebration of the Karam Festival.  This will be in our Church campus on Sunday, 29th October from 4 to 8 pm.
  • Maintenance work will be taking place in the Church over the next three weeks.  Thank you for your patience in bearing with the inconvenience.