Notices for Sunday, 28th January 2024

Notices for Sunday, 28th January 2024

  • Post category:Notices
  • The Feast of the Presentation is on Friday, 2nd February. After each Mass that day, candles will be blessed and then distributed to the faithful.
  • Saturday, 3rd February is the feast of St. Blaise. There will be Blessing of the Throat after the morning Masses that day.
  • Holy Family hospital has organized a talk “Myths and Facts about Infertility’. This will be at 3:00 pm on Saturday, 3rd February. Details are on the notice board.
  • A prayer service with Taize chants has been organized in our Church on Sunday, 4th February at 8:15 pm. All are welcome to participate. At this service, we pray in a special way for those who are appearing for their final exams.