Notices for Sunday, 27th March 2022

Notices for Sunday, 27th March 2022

  • Post category:Notices
  • The Sacrament of Confirmation for 22 young parishioners is scheduled for this Sunday at the 10.30 am Mass. We offer them our prayerful support.
  • The Wednesday Lenten Reflection Sessions are available on the St. Peter’s YouTube Channel and we request every parishioner to watch them. Next Wednesday’s session at 7.40 pm will be on Standing in Solidarity with the Youth.
  • St. Peter’s has set up, “The Earth Corner”, an Environmental Exhibition, at the site of the Bio-composting Plant, which is situated beyond the YSS and YFY Centres. You are invited to have a look at how much is possible if you join us in Caring for the Earth.
  • St. Peter’s Health Cell has re-opened its facilities with a team of 8 doctors, who are available for consultation at timings announced on the Notice Board. We still need Volunteers to spend just 2 hours, once a week, to help the doctors. 
  • The UCDC has resumed its clinics in Physiotherapy, Dentistry, Homeopathy, Acupressure, Dietetics and Pathology at a new address which is the SVD Provincial’s House on 32nd Road.
  • Our Care For Creation Group CCG is beginning a regular facility on campus to refill containers of detergents and other liquids, this coming Sunday 3rd April. The Refillable Truck will come to St. Peter’s Square at 10.00 am. Join the refillable movement in the Parish and save money and plastic.
  • Today 26th we celebrate Earth Hour from 8.30 to 9.30 pm. Please put all your lights off at home, to join the international movement.