Notices for Sunday 26th November 2023

Notices for Sunday 26th November 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • Sunday, 26th November is the Feast of Christ the King. There will be Adoration in the Church from 11 am to 1 pm.  The evening procession will begin at 5 pm from Lucky Restaurant. We will enter the Church together at 6 pm. Details are on the notice board.
  • The Paranjoti Choir will present Christmas Music in our Church at 8:00 pm on Wednesday 6th December.  You are invited to avail of this opportunity as a preparation for the feast of Christmas.
  • The online application process for St. Peter’s Junior K.G has begun. 
  • Online applications for Marian Junior K.G.  and Carmel Pre-Primary will commence shortly.  Further details are on the notice board.   
  • The Care for Creation Group is initiating a campaign titled ‘Shift to Thrift’ to promote Sustainability and eco-friendly lifestyles.  The first event in this campaign is a sale of useful articles on 2nd and 3rd December.  Kindly look up the posters on the notice board for further details. 
  • There will be Housie for Seniors at 5:30 pm on Thursday, 30th November
  • The Social Outreach Cell is organizing Haircuts, Manicures and Pedicures for the housebound in their homes on 11th December.  Kindly register at the Reception.
  • Voter Registration and Correction of details will continue till 9th December at St Anne’s School, Pali and St Theresa’s School, Bandra. Please avail of this opportunity to be included in the voters list.