- The Feast of St. Peter will be celebrated on Sunday, 2nd July. A few food stalls will be put up in the Assembly Hall. We will also have the Football tournament on that day, conducted by St Peter’s Youth.
- The new Parish Council will be installed during the 10 am Mass on Sunday, 2nd July.
- To avoid congestion at our main gate, the gate next to the Grotto will remain open from 8:30 to 11:00 am on Sundays.
- The Bombay Catholic Sabha, St Peter’s Unit, will have its Annual General Body Meeting on Sunday, 25th June, at 11 am in Our Lady’s Room.
- The Bombay Catholic Sabha has organized an Electoral Roll Camp. This will be held on all Sundays in July from 9:30 to 11:30 am in the Assembly Hall. Further details are on the notice board.
- Housie for Senior Citizens will be held on Thursday, 28th June at 5:30 pm in Our Lady’s Room
- The YSS is conducting a Stationery Drive from 1st July. The items collected will be sent to school children in the Ashagad and Talasari missions.
- Anyone who is still interested in joining the PsychoSpiritual sessions conducted by Fr. Dudley should register at the Reception within the next three days.
- You are encouraged to participate in the Zonals Talent contest. Please see the notice board for further details.