Notices for Sunday, 24th Oct 2021

Notices for Sunday, 24th Oct 2021

  • Post category:Notices
  • Today is World Mission Sunday. “We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” says Pope Francis – this is our mission. We also support those working in rural and tribal areas, among the underprivileged and the suffering. A Jesuit working in our tribal twinned-mission-station: Ashagad, will speak at every weekend Mass of the needs of the adivasis. Representatives of the adivasis will distribute envelopes in which you could place your Mission Sunday contribution, either in cheque or cash. The envelopes will be collected the following Sunday or you could place them, suitably marked, in the Community Fund boxes.
  • All Souls Day on Tue, the 2nd of Nov, is a day of remembrance of our loved ones gone before us. Masses will be as on weekdays, with two extra evening Masses at 5.00 pm and 6.00 pm. There will be no Mass in the Seaside Cemetery, due to Covid protocols. However, a priest from the Parish will bless all the graves during the day. You are welcome to visit and offer floral tributes. Candles are not to be used.
  • The Bombay Catholic Sabha reminds you that registration for the National Scholarships for Minorities should be made online by 30 Nov. Students upto Std XII whose annual family income is less than Rs 1 lakh and students of degree colleges whose family income is less than Rs 2.5 lakhs are eligible. Write to or Whatsapp 9324114127.
  • Applications for the BSC Academic awards for 19-20 and 20-21 for toppers in any course from 10th standard to Ph.D. are also invited till the 10th of November. Contact any BCS member for information.
  • This Thursday 28th is the Feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude and on Sat 30th we celebrate the feast of Jesuit Blessed Dominic Collins, an Irishman who refused to give up his Catholic faith and cheerfully accepted the gallows instead.