- Next Sunday, 30th May, is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The 10 am Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Gerard Rodricks, in thanksgiving for the 4 years God acted through him in the service of our Parish. Fr. Conrad Mascarenhas will also join him in thanksgiving for his own contribution to St Peter’s for the last 2 years.
- Parents of children who have completed 9 years of age, who strictly belong to our Parish and wish their children to receive FIRST HOLY COMMUNION in Jan 2022, are requested to send an email to the Parish Office email address by the 6th of June.
- We remind you that the Jesuit team is available on the landlines and on our personal mobiles, for any need. Mass intentions for June are possible on the Parish email.
- Please note the new address of our Parish Website: https://stpetersbandra.com
- We pray for your safety and request your prayers for our team here at St. Peter’s.