Notices for Sunday, 23rd January 2022

Notices for Sunday, 23rd January 2022

  • Post category:Notices
  • We thank all our parishioners for bearing with us while your physical presence at the Eucharist was not possible. We are also grateful for your prayers and assure you that our Jesuit community members have now recovered from the viral infection. We will have Confessions from next Saturday 29th Jan from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm in the School Assembly Hall. Masses, with physical attendance, will begin from Monday 31st January. Till then, welcome to the 2 online Masses: Saturday: 6.00 pm; Sunday: 8.00 am (Children’s Mass), 9.00 am and 6.30 pm. Weekdays: 8.30 am and 7.00 pm. 
  • This Sunday is the Word of God Sunday. We encourage each family to Enthrone the Bible in your Home in a visible area, with a flower tribute and with a spontaneous prayer, that the Word of God may truly guide the members of the family. Keep the Bible easily available throughout the year, to every member of the family.
  • This Wednesday 26th is Republic Day. Since the pandemic protocols do not allow gatherings in our Zonal Communities, we will have an online Flag Hoisting and Inter-religious Prayer programme at 9.15 am, live streamed from the St. Peter’s Square on the St. Peter’s YouTube Channel.
  • On Wed 26th Evening at 7.40 pm, the Parish Priest Fr. Frazer will give an orientation to the Synod on Synodality which all the people of God are invited to participate in at the Parish Level. We invite every Parishioner to watch this programme which will be available on the Parish YouTube channel.
  • Christian Unity Octave began on the 18th and will conclude on the 25th of January. We must think of ways of achieving fellowship, common prayer and joint action in witnessing to the Gospel. Your suggestions and initiatives are welcome. A recorded Service on Christian Unity will be premiered on YouTube on Sunday 23rd at 11 am. The link has been circulated on Whatsapp.
  • Our Archdiocese announces the 5th batch of Take Charge Mentoring, for personal guidance by an experienced mentor over 18 months. Catholics between 16 and 24 years are eligible.  Visit 
  • We invite our parishioners and well wishers to contribute online to our Church finances, to help us meet our expenses.