- Our Parish Feast will be celebrated on Sunday, 30th June.
- Parishioners wishing to put up food stalls on the Feast weekend are requested to register in the Church Office.
- On the Feast Day, St Peter’s Youth will organize a football tournament on the Turf. Details of this tournament have been given to your zonal coordinators.
- The All-Bandra Zonals are here again! This is an opportunity to foster talent and build up a community spirit. Complete details are on the notice board.
- There will be Housie for Seniors at 5:30 pm on Thursday 27th June
- The Bandra Gymkhana, in association with Holy Family Hospital, will be conducting a free gastro checkup camp focusing on the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. This camp is open to all and will take place at the Bandra Gymkhana on Saturday 29th June. Please see the poster for further details.