Notices for Sunday, 21st Nov 2021

Notices for Sunday, 21st Nov 2021

  • Post category:Notices
  • This Sunday, is the Feast of Christ the King. Covid cautions dictate that the traditional procession with the Blessed Sacrament may not be safe. Hence the Parish will live stream on YouTube, a Holy Hour with the Blessed Sacrament, from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm, to pay homage to Christ our Servant King. Physical presence in Church will also be possible.
  • Next Sunday we begin a New Liturgical Year, with the First Sunday of the Season of Advent. Let’s welcome this time of renewal, as the Church itself struggles with its own cleansing and renewal in many aspects, especially with the Synodal consultation of all God’s People.
  • The Children’s Mass and Sunday School resume from this Sunday 21st November. The Children’s Mass will be premiered on our YouTube channel at 8.00 am every Sunday.
  • The Stopgaps Cultural Academy presents its Festival of Music of Christmas carols at the Tata Theatre, Nariman Point, on Sunday 12 Dec at 7.00 pm. Details on the Church Notice board.
  • St. Joseph’s Convent International School welcomes applications for admission to the Tiny Blessings Junior K.G. from Mon 29th Nov. to Fri 3rd Dec for girls only. A few seats in Senior K.G. upto Grade 3 are also available. Admission forms are available in the School Office from Mon to Fri 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
  • St. Stanislaus International School also invites applications to the Jr. K.G. Co-Ed IGCSE curriculum. Only online applications from eligible girls and boys are accepted through our Website from 20th Nov to 19th Dec. We are not in competition with St. Joseph’s International but we are offering another option! (Smile)
  • St. Stanislaus SSC School also invites online applications from 20th Nov to 19th Dec for its Jr. KG class. The School Website gives all information needed.
  • The Archdiocese acknowledges your contribution of Rs 70,200/- collected last Sunday in our Church.
  • We remember Jesuit saints this week: Blessed Michael Pro on Tuesday and St. John Berchmans on Friday.