Notices for Sunday, 20th August 2023

Notices for Sunday, 20th August 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • On the occasion of Justice Sunday, the Bombay Catholic Sabha has organized a Masterclass on ‘Prevention of Online and Mobile Fraud’.  This will be in the Loyola Hall at 11:00 am on Sunday 20th August.
  • The Jesus Club invites all Teachers, both past and present, who reside in our parish or taught in St Stanislaus to a Teachers’ Day celebration.  This will be on Sunday, 3rd September, starting with the 8 am Eucharist in the Church followed by a fun get together in the School Hall. Kindly register at the Parish reception.
  • The Ekatvam Singles group is organizing a program for those above 50 years, titled “Enhancing and Empowering your Golden Age’. This will be in the Loyola Hall at 5:30 pm on Thursday, 24th August.
  • The Women’s Cell has organized a session by Deacon Ivan Fernandes on the topic “Women, let your voice be heard”.  This will be on Monday, 28th August at 5:45 pm in the Loyola Hall.  
  • A Blood Donation Drive is organized this Sunday morning in the YSS office    
  • Prison Ministry Volunteers are distributing collection envelopes in the foyer of the Church.  Envelopes with your contributions may be handed over to the Church Office till 30th August.
  • We require volunteers to assist in preparing the meal for our ‘Feed the Hungry’ program.  We require one volunteer per day from 2:30 to 4:00 pm.  Please give your name at the reception.