Notices for Sunday, 19th June 2022

Notices for Sunday, 19th June 2022

  • Post category:Notices
  • This Sunday 19th, the Feast of Corpus Christi, at the 10 am Mass, we have the induction of the Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers of the Parish for this year. We pray that they may recognize the call to holiness, as they minister to the homebound and to people in Church.
  • Next Sunday 26 June, we celebrate the anticipated Feast of St. Peter, Patron of our Parish. The Liturgy will be of the Feast of St. Peter, as we petition the Lord for the same courage that Peter showed as he led the early Church.
  • St. Peter’s Youth – SPY, along with the YSS, are organizing a Parish Games Fiesta on the 26th, our Feast Day. Those interested in playing Blind Throwball and Football Cricket on our Astroturf, please get in touch with your Zonal Community Coordinator. We also invite parishioners to put up Food Stalls for the duration of the Masses and the Games. Contact the YSS.
  • Monday 20th June is World Refugee Day and we continue to pray for refugees all over the world and especially from Ukraine. Friday 24th is the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with a Triduum from Tue 21st July at the 7.00 pm Mass. Sat 25th is the Solemnity of St. John the Baptist.
  • The Sessions that were to be offered by Fr. Dudley Mendonca for Couples, have been postponed for want of a sufficient number of participants.
  • Children who have completed their 10th STD and wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation scheduled for February 2023, may please register at the Parish Office by the 1st of July. Mandatory Preparatory sessions for Confirmation will begin from the 10th of July.
  • The Bombay Catholic Sabha, St. Peter’s Unit, has its Triennial General Body Meeting with elections, this Sunday 19th June at 11.00 am in Our Lady’s Room.
  • Those who have received First Holy Communion in the last 2 years are invited to join the Altar Servers’ Group which meets every Sat at 4 pm.
  • The Archdiocese invites you to a Course in Biomedical Ethics, which begin from 10th July. Please check the Notice board.
  • We congratulate Fr. Elton Namory, an ex-student of St. Stanislaus, for being accepted to the Diplomatic Services of the Vatican.
  • The Parish Book Stall is available on Saturdays and Sundays at the back of the Church in the room facing the Grotto.
  • The Parish will continue to maintain a Suggestions Box in the Lobby of the Church, to maintain easy communication with Parishioners. Responses to suggestions will be displayed on the Notice board.
  • Applications to the NIOS study classes may still be made at our Parish Reception.