Notices for Sunday, 18th June 2023

Notices for Sunday, 18th June 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • The new Parish Council has been set up. We are deeply grateful to the outgoing Council members for their generous service to the Parish. The installation of the new Parish Council will take place during the 10am Mass on Sunday, 2nd July.
  • Next Sunday, 25th June is Laity Sunday. At each Mass, parishioners will briefly share with us their experience of bearing witness to Christ in daily life.
  • The Children’s Mass and Sunday School have resumed. All school-going children are encouraged to participate in this.
  • Registration forms for the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation may be collected from the Parish Office.
  • Hope and Life meetings will be held every Wednesday of the month at 5:30 pm in Our Lady’s Room. Participation in these meetings is an excellent way for widows to find support and solace in their situation.
  • The Bombay Catholica Sabha, St. Peter’s unit, will have its Annual General Body Meeting on Sunday, 25h June, at 11 am in Our Lady’s Room. All members are requested to attend the 10am Thanksgiving Mass followed by the meeting.
  • St. Peter’s Youth is organizing an Inter-Zonal Football Tournament on the occasion of the Parish Feast. This will be held on 2nd July at St. Stanislaus Astroturf. This tournament is open to parishioners above the age of 16. Please check the notice board for further details.
  • Zonals 2023 is just around the corner. The St. Andrew’s All Bandra Talent Contest will be held this August and September. We encourage all age groups to participate in these events which help foster talent and create a sense of bonding. Further details are put up on the notice board.
  • The Joseph Cardijn technical School is offering a number of job-oriented courses. Please refer to the Notice Board.