Notices for Sunday, 17th September 2023

Notices for Sunday, 17th September 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • Marriage Encounter Mumbai is celebrating its Golden Jubilee.  The Jubilee Mass will be at St Anthony Church, Vakola at 6 pm on Sunday 1st October.  All couples are invited to this celebration.   Please see the notice board for registration details.
  • The new batch of Ministry of the Word will commence in January 2024.  Registration for this has already begun. Please see the poster on the notice board for further details.  
  • Youth Day of Bandra Deanery will be celebrated at Mount Carmel Church on Sunday 24th September at 5:30 pm.  Passes are available with the Youth Council of our Parish.    
  • The Ex-Student Association of St Joseph’s Convent High School is hosting their annual ‘Monsoon Mela’ on Sunday 24th September from 8 am to 2 pm in the St Stanislaus School Shed.  Kindly patronize. 
  • An Inner Healing Retreat in Konkani will be held at the Divine Retreat Centre, Potta, Kerala, from 12 t0 17 November.  The poster on the notice board will give you further details.