Notices for Sunday, 17th Oct 2021

Notices for Sunday, 17th Oct 2021

  • Post category:Notices
  • Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. “We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” – this is our Mission. We also support those working in rural and tribal areas, in slums and chawls of the city, among the underprivileged and the suffering. The Jesuits working in our tribal twinned-mission-station – Ashagad, will speak at every weekend Mass of the needs of the adivasis. They will also distribute envelopes in which you could place your Mission Sunday contribution, either in cheque or cash. The envelopes will be collected the following Sunday or you could place them, suitably marked, in the Community Fund boxes.
  • With the opening of Churches, we are grateful to see our parishioners coming back for the Eucharist. You will have noted that we have several Eucharists during the week and many Sunday liturgies at the weekend, to prevent large groups gathering. Please try to attend a less frequented timing to avoid over-crowding. Confessions are available on Saturdays from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm in the School Assembly Hall. The Church is open for quiet prayer from 9.00 am to 10.00 am and from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday. Our Church parlours are available for small group meetings of Parish community or association members.
  • Monday 18th is the Feast of St. Luke, the Evangelist. On Tue 19th and Thurs 21st the Church remembers two groups of Jesuit Martyrs. May they continue to inspire us in ‘Being the Good News’ for our world.
  • The Jesuits of the Bombay Province have an important meeting underway this weekend, in which elected representatives will try to discern God’s will for us in the years ahead. We request your prayerful support. Thank you.