Notices for Sunday, 16th January 2022

Notices for Sunday, 16th January 2022

  • Post category:Notices
  • Members of the Parish Pastoral Council of St. Peter’s have expressed concern about the spread of the Covid Virus in the city and have decided to extend the suspension of Masses with physical attendance till perhaps the end of this month, in order not to put our Parishioners in danger. The live streamed Masses will be held as usual: Saturday evenings : 6.00 pm; Sundays: 8.00 am (Children’s Mass); 9.00 am and 6.30 pm. Weekdays: 8.30 am and 7.00 pm. The Church will be open from 9.00 am to 11 am and from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm only from Monday to Friday, for personal prayer and adoration. Confessions on Saturdays will not be held. You may approach our priests personally in the parlour, if necessary.
  • The 18 minute session on Searching the Scriptures by Fr. Fio Mascarenhas was much appreciated and will continue to be available on our YouTube Channel. He initiates us into the Ignatian method of ‘Application of the senses’ to Scripture. This is a good preparation for the theme of next Sunday 23rd Jan, which is the Sunday of the Word of God.
  • Christian Unity Octave begins from this Tuesday the 18th till the 25th of January. Do we do anything more than say a prayer? What would you propose is needed to build bridges of fellowship and common action with our sisters and brothers of other Christian denominations?
  • The Citizencredit Cooperative Bank announces its Annual Awards to be held in February, for Academic Excellence for the academic years 19-20 and 20-21. Details on our notice board or at the nearest branch.
  • Our Archdiocese announces the 5th batch of Take Charge Mentoring programme for Catholic youth, for personal guidance by an experienced mentor over 18 months. Catholics between 16 and 24 years are eligible. Last date to apply is 6th February. Visit 
  • We invite our parishioners and well wishers to contribute online to our Church finances, to help us meet our expenses. Details are available on our website