Notices for Sunday, 15th August 2021

Notices for Sunday, 15th August 2021

  • Post category:Notices
  • This Sunday, 15th August, is the 75th Independence Day of India and the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Parish will host an online Inter-Religious Prayer Service and Flag Hoisting, in St. Peter’s Square, at 9.30 am. We request Parishioners to join us online in this meaningful celebration. At 10 am we will live-stream the Eucharist from the Church.
  • This Sunday, St. Peter’s Youth Social Service or YSS, in partnership with Holy Family Hospital, will host a Blood Donation Drive from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm in the Loyola Hall of the Parish. We request you to be generous in donation, as hospitals need blood urgently.
  • The Parish has fixed on a Vision Statement for this year: Be the Good News in the World. In order to implement this Vision in a practical way, Eight Mission Statements have been formulated and we will concentrate on one of these statements every month, finding strategies to make the statement truer in our lives. For the month ahead we will work at this Mission Statement: “We value relationships – within the family, in our neighbourhood and in our workplace – and we try to dialogue, especially in conflict situations; we practice forgiveness and generosity; and we make efforts to build friendships with all.” We request cluster groups in the Parish to reflect on this Mission Statement and to act on it.
  • To help in the reflection, Fr. Dudley Mendonca S.J., a trained Counsellor, who has studied in the U.S. and has had rich experience in training counsellors, will give us a half hour input on Monday 16th August from 7.40 pm to 8.10 pm on the Parish YOUTUBE channel.
  • The St. Peter’s unit of the Bombay Catholic Sabha is trying to get in touch with all those from the Parish who had registered with them in the past but have been out of contact. We are forming a Broadcast List to convey information to you of activities which you can participate in. If you get a Whatsapp message inviting you to join the BCS Broadcast List, please give consent to being listed in this Whatsapp Broadcast list. Others who would like to join the BCS may please contact the Parish.
  • This Monday 16th is Parsi New Year and this Thursday 19th is the Muslim remembrance of Muharram. We join our brothers and sisters of the Parsi and Muslim communities in thanking God for their religious experiences.