Notices for Sunday, 14th July 2024

Notices for Sunday, 14th July 2024

  • Post category:Notices
  • The YSS is conducting its annual stationery drive for the Ashagad
    Mission. Please send your contributions to the YSS office.
  • The Ekatvam Singles group has organized a Scrabble Tournament on
    Sunday 28th July morning in the School Shed. Registration details are
    on the notice board.
  • The Marriage Encounter Team invites couples for the Marriage
    Encounter weekend on 10th and 11th August at Canossa Convent,
    Andheri. Details are on the notice board.
  • Holy Family hospital has organized a session on ‘Acid Reflux and
    Heartburn’. This will be at the Morello Hall at 3 pm on Saturday, 20th
  • We will have Mass in Hindi at 4 pm on every third Sunday of the
    month. Hence, the next Hindi Mass is on Sunday, 21st July.
  • The Archdiocese is conducting a Leadership Training Programme for
    Women. Sessions will be held at St Theresa Church, Bandra. The
    poster will be sent on Whatsapp through the zonal coordinators.