- Sisters from the mission station of Roha, Raigad have put up a stall in the Church square this weekend. They will be selling products made by tribal women. Please patronize.
- The film ‘Face of the Faceless’ will be screened in our school auditorium on Sunday, 21st January. You are encouraged to watch this film which is based on the story of Sr Rani Maria – a story of service and forgiveness. Please see the poster for further details.
- Fr Learoy Rodrigues SJ has written a book “Reimagining your Faith Journey”. This book is on sale in the Church bookstore and Porch.
- The Daughters of St Paul have organized a certificate course “Growing with the Word of God”. Do avail of this opportunity to know the Bible better. Details are given on the poster.
- The St Peter Church Confraternity has organized a pilgrimage to the Infant Jesus Shrine, Nashik on Sunday, 4th February. Please see the notice board for further details.
- Holy Family hospital has organized a talk on Digestive Disorders at the Morello Hall on Saturday 20th January. Details are on the notice board
- The Diocesan Youth Centre has organized’ Milestones 2024’ on the theme ‘God is not Dead’. This will be on 26th January at St Xavier High School, Fort. We encourage our youth to attend this event.
- Fr Assis Rodrigues and two other Jesuit priests will make their Final Vows during the 6 pm Mass on Sunday, 14th January. Please remember them in your prayers.