Notices for Sunday, 11th February 2024

Notices for Sunday, 11th February 2024

  • Post category:Notices
  •  The Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 14th February.  Along with the usual weekday Masses, there will be an additional Mass at 6 pm. Imposition of the Ashes will be done at the end of each Mass. 
  • Ash Wednesday is prescribed by the Church as a day of fasting and abstinence.
  • On Fridays in Lent, the evening Mass will be at 7 pm, followed immediately by Stations of the Cross.   Stations of the Cross in Konkani will be at 6:30 pm every Thursday.
  • The Presbyterian Choir from Chicago will perform in our Church from 8 to 9 pm on Thursday, 15th February.  Please avail of this opportunity for spiritual renewal at the start of the season of Lent.
  • On the occasion of World Marriage Day, the 10 am Mass on Sunday 11th February will be organized by the Family Cell of our parish.  All married couples are encouraged to attend. 
  • Bishop Allwyn D’Silva will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on 25 youth of our parish.  This will be at the 10 am Mass on Sunday, 18th February.  Please remember these youth in your prayers.     
  • The Stop-Gaps Cultural Academy invites new talent and voices to join the Stop-Gaps Ensemble.  Please see the poster for further details.