Notices for Sunday, 10th December 2023

Notices for Sunday, 10th December 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • On Saturday 16th December, four Jesuits will be ordained to the
  • Priesthood by Cardinal Oswald Gracias. This will be at 5 pm in our
  • Church. The 6:15 pm Mass and Confessions will not be held that evening.
  • The Musical ‘Super Stan’ will be held on our school grounds on 21st and 22nd December. Tickets are available in the Church Porch.
  • In preparation for Christmas, we will have Confessions in the School Shed from 5 pm to 8 pm on 18th, 19th and 20th December
  • The Sunday School of the Bandra Deanery is presenting a Psalm Festival in our School Hall at 10 am on Sunday, 10th December. Do come and encourage our children.
  • The Bombay Catholic Sabha is organizing a Crib competition. Please get
    in touch with your Community Animators for soft copies of the entry
    forms. Details are also on the notice board.
  • The YSS is conducting a Christmas Tree Party for children on 17th
    December. Please see the posters for further details.
  • Christmas Mass for the housebound will be celebrated on Sunday, 24th
    December at 11:30 am in our Church. Please register at the reception.
    We request car owners to offer their assistance with transportation.
    Those willing to do so should register their names at the reception.
  • St Peter’s Youth are organizing their annual Christmas extravaganza,
    Unwrap, with five exciting events from 25th to 29th December. Details are
    on the notice board. Please register for these events at the reception.
  • Apostolic Carmel School and Auxilium Convent school have begun their
    admission process. Further information is on the notice board.
  • The Stop-Gaps Cultural Academy presents a Christmas narration in
    song, featuring original compositions by Alfred D’Souza. This will be at
    the Shrine of Don Bosco’s Madonna on 20th December. Admission is free.
    Please refer to the concert poster for further details.
  • There will be an evening of Carols on Convent Road near Learner’s
    Academy, Pali Hill. This will be at 6 pm on Tuesday, 19th December.