Ekatvam – One for All
The word “Ekatvam”, of Sanskrit origin, means oneness, a single cell organism with a singular identity and unity. At the spiritual level, it indicates a merging into the existence of the Lord.
In September 2017, a few members of the Social Outreach Cell realized the need to unite like-minded singles, who feel the urge to reach out to the larger community, simultaneously becoming a Support group.
To support, equip and encourage Single Adults to grow spiritually and to live productive and fulfilling lives as they take on the personal, professional and social challenges of being single by creating opportunities for fellowship, service and transformation.
- (Individual & Spiritual) To put all our energy and resources at the disposal of others in need, so as to renew, reeducate and redirect our minds for spiritual growth and a genuine transformation of all members.
- (Intra group support and relations) To pursue areas that would provide support and comfort to those that are in need, both within and outside the group and to establish and maintain a cohesive working relationship with all concerned.
- (Community welfare) To undertake and design social outreach activities to help and encourage disadvantaged members of society.
Eligibility for Membership
- The Separated / Divorced / Annulled
- Widow / Widower
- Single parent
- Unmarried / Never married
- Mumbai parishioners
- Ages 25+
- People of all faiths
- Varied sexual orientation LGBTQIA+
- Handicapped orphans in Asha Dhaan
- Emily Care Sisters
- Recollections
- Online programme for orphans at Snehasadan
- Cycling , Badminton
- Differently abled – House of Charity
- Children’s Day – Kripa Street Children
- Outreach to Uplat Mission
- Prison Ministry – Teaching & Fund Raising
- Entertainment events & Get-togethers
Cell Meetings
Monthly mostly on the last Sunday at 5 pm at St. Peter’s Church
Contact details:
Brian: 9820432522
Vanessa: 9833187732
Email :ekatvam.mumbai@gmail.com
Instagram : ekatvam.mumbai
Facebook : Ekatvam Mumbai