The Bombay Catholic Sabha

The Bombay Catholic Sabha was formed on January 20, 1989 under the patronage of the then Archbishop of Bombay, Simon Cardinal Pimenta. The organization is registered with the Charity Commissioner under the Mumbai Public Trust Act 1950 and represents the interest of the Catholic community in particular and Christians in general.
The thrust areas of the Sabha are:
• Socio Economic
• Political
• Civic
• Health
• Education
• Cultural/Sports
The Sabha at the Centre runs a number of outreach services that include:
An Employment Centre; A Marriage Alliance Bureau; A Senior Citizens’ I.D. Cards Desk; Project Bloodline.
We have over 38,000 individuals in Mumbai enrolled as Life Members of the Sabha. The Patron of the Sabha, Oswald Cardinal Gracias has urged every Catholic who has attained the age of 18 years in the Archdiocese of Bombay to enroll as a member of the Sabha.
The Sabha derives its overall strength from its Parish Units. The Parish units of the Bombay Catholic Sabha are indeed the flag bearers for the organization. St. Peter’s Parish Unit is one of the active units of the Sabha and has received awards for its activities and participation in the programmes of the Centre. In recent years 2 of our Parishioners, proposed by our Unit, received Life Time Achievement Awards from the Bombay Catholic Sabha: Architect David Cardoz and Mr. Marcellus Gomes. The recent activities of our Unit include: Awareness sessions on the approaching Elections; Blood Donation Drives; Prayer March to Protest the proposed takeover of St. Peter’s Cemetery Land for road-widening, etc.
In conclusion, we quote an extract from the BCS Anthem:
“With the Sabha you have a voice
In the Sabha you have a choice
The BCS sets the pact
To make this world a better place”
The Vision Statement of the Sabha is:
“Striving to create a caring Society based on Christian values, through collaboration and networking”.
Spiritual Adviser: Fr Frazer Mascarenhas sj.
Chairperson: Brian D’Souza – (9820432522)