Boran & Bazaar Cross Zone / Queen of Peace Community

Total No. of families (including families of other faith): 86 + 82 = 168

No. of ‘other-faith’ Families:  82 (approx)

No of Catholic families: 86

No of Catholics: 273

No. of Clusters: 9


This Community has a LONG HISTORY – going back possibly to days preceding the formation of the parish.  Many of the houses in this area are well over 125 years old and families here trace their local lineage to years before that.  The compounds are dotted with crosses many dating back to the 1800s.  Old residents outnumber newer ones.

The Parish Talent Contests of the 1960’s through to the 1980’s brought in the concept of Zones – in fact the contests were better known as Zonals.  There were just 4 Zones back then.

Bishop Bosco Penha’s SCC movement which began mid-1984 saw the formation of smaller Zones or Communities.  The idea of Community was not something new here since neighbourhood Rosary, Stations of the Cross, weddings/communions/celebrations  in the village ‘squares’ had been going on from time immemorial.  TILL THIS VERY DAY families gather round the many crosses for prayer, meet in the chapel – yes there is one older than the parish, walk from cross-to-cross ‘making the Stations’ every week in Lent and take over the lane for a neighbourhood celebration.

The Zone was previously SQUARE-shaped including Hill Road, Ice Factory Lane, Bazar Cross Lane and Boran Road.  In later years Hill Road moved to another zone and more recently Ice Factory Lane did so too.  The Zone is now L-shaped – leaner but not meaner. We might be bent but with the Queen of Peace as our patron we certainly aren’t crooked.

Patron: Our Lady Queen of Peace

The 9 visible stars around our Lady represent the 9 clusters

The 2 different shades represent the differences within the Zone – backgrounds, language, culture, faith – yet Our Lady’s hands join them together in her Heart at the centre of which is the symbol of Peace.

Different shades yet one colour.

Note: we take part credit for the design, having downloaded ‘inspiration’ from the internet.

Feast Day: Our Lady, Queen of Peace Feast is usually celebrated on 22 September

Broken in Pieces for Service
Joined in Peace for Love

Anthem: (Sung to the tune of ‘We Stand for God’)

We’re Boran Road and Bazaar Cross Lane
We live as one Community
We have no woes, we raise the standard
Within our Zone there’s harmony.
Oh Queen of Peace our Patron
Keep us together we pray
To thee we sing our song of praises
Oh to your Son lead us each day.
To thee we sing our song of praises
Oh to your Son lead us each day.

Activities during the year

Spiritual/ Religious:

Besides the monthly Core-Group meetings, in Jan2020 every single one of the 9 Clusters held CLUSTER meetings.  In Feb2020 animators attended the SHC Training at Mount Carmel’s parish.

Every Thursday in Lent we have the traditional Stations of the Cross, walking from cross to cross within the Zone – a different theme prepared for each week.  In Mar over 2 weeks of intense preparation with Mary Help of Christians (Bazaar Rd)  for ‘The Stations’ in church – cancelled a day before it was to be held Fri 20Mar.

Following the Lockdown, the Zone’s WA Group is hyperactive – the Coordinator forwards all parish related spiritual updates – from Parish Priest/PPC (mass timings, Holy Week services, Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, Penitential Services, etc) and from  Zone priest (daily Spiritual Crumbz).  The members themselves post info on Archdiocese events, Novenas, deacon discourses, the Pope’s messages etc.


26 JAN 2020: Celebration of Republic Day in the local park.  With multi-faith prayers, unfurling of the flag, singing, sweets, rangoli – days of preparation prior to the actual day.  So many persons involved, diff faiths, neighbours, practices held, etc etc.

This was both a Social and an Outreach program involving members of other faiths -regular practices for the readers, cleaning & beautifying the venue, organizing seating/chairs, arranging electric power connections and of course celebrating on the actual day.  Mary Help of Christians joined us in this programme.


A large number of QoP members are also members of the local “ALM Group” and the “Boran Road Hawkers issue” group.  Both groups are very active with max participation from our QoP members – we take up issues of street drains, garbage, hawkers, tree trimming, illegal stalls, potholes, etc.  If needed. We organise signature campaigns, visits to the police station, meeting with ward officer etc.


Animators visit cluster homes to distribute the monthly bulletin.

In Jan2020 every cluster (9#) submitted feedback reports on the Parish Outreach (to other faiths) programmes.  The Support Structure Group was formalized and details submitted.

In Feb 2020 animators visited various homes (housebound and others) with Bros Denzil & George – helping them in their pastoral training and us in our outreach activities.

Post the Lockdown – Animators check with Cluster members for any issues especially with the elderly.  Medical cases are given assistance as required -where necessary visits are made to the home, hospital, parish office, cemetery – keeping in mind the restrictions of the lockdown and the safety of all parties. Financial assistance is offered.

The Coordinator posts WA messages on the various parish outreach programs and reminders on the request for funds for the same.  The WA Group is CONSTANTLY active with relevant postings –  the daily newspaper, helpful household hints, neighbourhood contained zones, food availability, death announcements, etc.

Unique feature of the community: One of the oldest in the parish

Coordinator: Terence Cardoz

Priest:  Fr. Assis Rodrigues

Sister:  Sr. Minaxi Macwan