Madonna Della Strada or Santa Maria Della Strada — Italian for Our Lady of the Way, or Our Lady of the Road — is the name of a late 15th or 16th century image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, enshrined at the Church of the Gesu in Rome, motherchurch of the Society of Jesus religious order of the Roman Catholic Church. The Madonna Della Strada is the patroness of the Society of Jesus. Mary is the gateway to Heaven – there is no other entrance. The saints took Mary as their Mother, but each saint developed devotion to her in an individual and personal way. Devotion to Our Lady of the Wayside today is due to St. Ignatius Loyola.
Its founder, Ignatius of Loyola, was said to have been protected by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary during battle in his service as a soldier.
The name goes back to a shrine established in Rome in the 5th century by the Astalli family, originally known as the Madonna degli Astalli. In 1568, Cardinal Alessandro Farnese erected the Gesu Church of Rome, the mother church of the Jesuits, in place of the former church of Santa Maria della Strada. The icon is located between two altars, the first dedicated to St. Ignatius, the second, the main altar of the Church, dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus.
Our Community consists of around 50 families. Even though we have many senior citizens and middle aged members, we are a dynamic community. Seniors are involved in Church activities and other Associations in our Parish. To mention a few, the Jesus Club, Senior Citizens Association, Ladies Sodality, Choir, Family Cell, Y. F. Y., Youth Group and the Charismatic Group.
Over the years we have organized outreach programmes, like a visit to “Emily Care”, a home for the aged sisters at St. Joseph’s Convent and “House of Love”, an institution for the handicapped and the destitute at Versova, Andheri West.
On Republic Day we have an Inter-Faith prayer service where people of different Religions come and pray together.
We visit the home bound during Lent and we recite the Stations of the Cross with them.
Our Community Feast day is celebrated with Holy Mass, followed by fellowship.
We have our Annual picnic to Lonavala during the monsoons. It’s the best way to enjoy and spend time with our Community members, besides escaping from the mess that is Mumbai. Those who attend develop a special bond with each other and experience the beauty and peace of the hills during the rains.
On the 2nd of October we usually go on a pilgrimage to “The Mount”, to thank Our Lady for all the favours received and to bless and protect us always.
On Mission Sunday Our Community along with two other Communities have a sale of homemade goodies. The proceeds are then sent to the Ashagad Mission.
At Christmas, it’s a pleasure to see the happiness on the faces of the home bound when we visit them, singing carols and distributing gifts and sweets.
Coordinator: Bernadine D’Penha
Priest: Fr. Evarist Newnes
Sister: Sr. Sneha Vaz