Total no. of families : 50 (divided into 2 clusters) and Interfaith members Mr. & Mrs. Kaikini
Our Zonal Community Complex faces the Church, hence everyone makes the sign of the Cross when leaving the gate of our complex. We live on rent and have to ask permission for doing small repairs. There is camaraderie among the neighbours. Garages are leased and cars are on pay/park.
Feast Day – Our Lady of the Rosary on 7th October
Activities during the year
- Spiritual/Religious: We recite the Rosary in the month of May and October; attend the pilgrimage to the Mount and all church activities. We organize the Zonal Easter Mass and our Community Feast Mass.
- Social: We organize a Christmas Tree party, an Easter Party, Independence Day and Republic Day programmes. We gift the housebound on Parents’ Day and felicitate students who clear their SSC and HSC exams.
- Civic: Get all members enrolled in the Catholic Sabha. Update Municipal Election records of our members. Keep our Colony safe from pestilence and get the drainage cleaned by municipal authorities. Help with birth certificates and death certificates from BMC.
- Outreach: We arranged a bus to visit Karjat on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. We visited a Charity Home at Versova and made the Stations of the Cross. We visited Emily Care at St. Joseph’s Convent and gave them a fun filled evening with sing-song housie and gifts.
- Monthly Meeting is held on the Sunday after the PPC meeting
Unique feature of Community: We feel that Our Rosaries have saved us from the pandemic. The Community is together at all events, in times of joy and sorrow.
Coordinator: Cheryl Pinto
Priest: Fr. Simon D’Souza
Sister: Sr. Mahima