Almeida Park Zone / Raphael Community

Approximately 30 years ago i.e. around the mid 1970’s, some families around the Almeida Park Area got together regularly for Daily Rosary in the month of May at “Blue Heaven” (continued even today); to decorate the street for the XIII hours procession; to organize a get-together for domestic helpers; to celebrate Christmas with a gala dinner & of course the Area Mass – at “Vinrita” the centre of all area activities.
In the mid 1980’s Bishop Bosco directed the formation of “Basic Christian Community” (BCC), in the Parishes and from that day our little zonal community changed from an ad-hoc committee to the BCC’s. In the 1990’s we were directed to name our communities and were called ‘Small Christian Communities’ (SCC’s) ably guided by Sr. Teresa, who painstakingly organized all Zonal Communities across the Parish & put us on the path of growth. Thus we moved from BCC’s to SCC’s and are on our way to forming SHC’s Small Human Communities.
Following the directives, we the ‘Almeida Park Zone’ adopted the name ‘Raphael Community’, as our Zone was centered around Prof. R. Almeida Park, i.e. after Prof. Raphael Almeida – ex-mayor; Municipal Councillor; Senator; Hon. Magistrate; Justice of Peace and a renowned botanist, who had dedicated his life to the betterment of Bandra and upliftment of the youth and common man.
We decided our Patron and Protector would be Archangel Raphael whose feast we celebrate and on whom we rely for trust and guidance.
Over the years, we have progressed and developed into a strong unified Zone and intend to move forward with the same strength, unity, perseverance, zeal and become a better human community with the help and guidance of various Zonal Coordinators, thereby growing into a dynamic community and truly helping build a faith community for service.
This is the Almeida Park Zone,
Where none are ever alone,
‘You’ need a friend to talk to,
Someone maybe, to be with you?
Reach us on SCC Animators Helpline,
Anything, you need, is just fine,
Working on Key Concerns together,
Trying to build a tomorrow, that’s Better,
While we formulate and celebrate our faith,
Reaching out to society, an awareness to create.
R: Ready to Reach out
A: Amiable and Adjustable
P: Pleasant and Peaceful
H: Halcyon and Hardworking
A: Aberrant and Ablaze
E: Eager and Ernest
L: Lively and Loving all.
Coordinators: Celine Fernandes and Maria D’Sa
Priest: Fr. Baptist Pinto
Sister: Sr. Asha D’Sa