Notices for Sunday, 20th March 2022

Notices for Sunday, 20th March 2022

  • Post category:Notices
  • Our Parish will have the Sacrament of Confirmation conferred at the 10.30 am Mass next Sunday 27th March, on our young candidates who have been preparing for this since June. We request that you keep each of them and their mentors, in prayer this week.
  • The Wednesday Lenten Reflection Sessions are available on the St. Peter’s YouTube Channel and we request every parishioner to watch them as a Lenten Parish commitment. Next Wednesday’s session at 7.40 pm will be on Joining the Environmental Movement in Mumbai.
  • We remind you that Confessions are from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm on Saturdays in the School Assembly Hall.
  • After 2 years, St. Peter’s Health Cell is re-opening its facilities from Monday 21st March. We have a team of 8 doctors,` of various specialisations including general medicine, orthopedics, physiotherapy, counseling, ayurveda and homeopathy, available for consultation from 4.00 to 7.00 pm. We need Volunteers to help the doctors. Anyone willing to help, once a week, is requested to contact the Centre or the Parish Priest.
  • This Tue is World Water Day and Thurs is the International Day for the Truth about Human Rights Violations. May we strive to make our world a happier place to live in for all!
  • Next Friday is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord to Mary and special prayers will be offered for Ukraine and Russia across the world.
  • The St. Peter’s Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Society, which has just obtained the 80G Certificate for tax deductions, invites donations before the end of the financial year to aid its outreach programs. Envelopes are available at the Parish Office.