Notices for Sunday, 5th Sept 2021

Notices for Sunday, 5th Sept 2021

  • Post category:Notices
  • The Jesus Club is celebrating Teachers’ Day tomorrow, 5th September. We invite all teachers to join us for the Eucharistic Celebration at 8.00 am to thank God for the selfless service of so many to our children.
  • We have begun the month-long Season of Creation, an Ecumenical initiative to deepen our relationship with our Creator and with Creation. The theme this year is: A Home For All. Let us resolve, through creative and concrete action, to care for our common home.
  • The Parish Council will meet this Friday 10th Sept at 8.00 pm on Zoom.
  • This Wednesday, 8th of September, is the Birthday of our Lady and is celebrated as the Day of the Girl Child. While we participate in the Novena to our Lady, may we pledge to treat the girl child with dignity and equality, knowing that in our Indian culture, girls are not as valued as boys are and girls face a lot of discrimination and ill-treatment.
  • This week we celebrate 2 Jesuit Saints: Fr. Peter Claver on Thursday 9th and Brother Francis Garate on Friday 10th.
  • On Wednesday 15th Sept, we begin a new series of “Searching the Scriptures” taken by our Jesuit Team and other resource persons, to reflect on what God is saying to us today through Scripture. The first session will be taken by Fr. Frazer on St Paul’s letter to the Colossians. The session is online from 7.40 pm to 8.15 pm.
  • The Stop-Gaps Cultural Academy, in collaboration with the Centre for Social Action of the Archdiocese, presents, “In His Time”, a gospel concert by various music artists, to raise funds for COVID relief activities. The Concert will Premier on the Stop-Gaps YouTube channel on Sunday 19th Sept at 7.00 pm.
  • Booking of intentions for the 2 online Masses at St. Peter’s is going on for Masses in October. The intentions for September are all full. Our office requests that you not enquire for Masses in September.
  • The Church remains closed till further notice, as Covid infections are still high. Communion is not being offered on the Campus, as drawing large numbers together is not advisable at this time. Please bear with us.
  • We are offering for sale some spiritual books at our Campus Gate every morning from 9.00 am to 12 noon and from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm. Those who have booked the Examiner with us can also collect it from this table.