Notices for Sunday, 15th September 2024

Notices for Sunday, 15th September 2024

  • Post category:Notices
  • Subscribers to the Examiner are requested to kindly pay your annual subscription of Rs 1,100 at the book stall before 30th September. The special Christmas issue is included in the subscription.
  • The Ekatvam Singles conduct English classes, for adults from disadvantaged backgrounds, every Sunday from 8:45 to 9:45 am. Please pass on this message to those who wish to avail of this opportunity. Details are on the notice board.
  • There is an overnight picnic for Senior Citizens at Lonavala on 7th and 8th October. Please refer to the poster on the notice board.
  • Deanery Youth Day will be held at St. Theresa Church, Bandra at 5pm on Sunday, 22nd September. Passes for the same are available with our Youth Coordinators.
  • Holy Family Hospital has organized a session with experts speaking on Arthritis and on Diabetes. This will be at 3 pm on Saturday 21st September. Please see the poster for further details.