Notices for Sunday, 19th November 2023

Notices for Sunday, 19th November 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • The Feast of Christ the King is on Sunday, 26th November.  There will be Adoration in the Church from 11 am to 1 pm on that day.  The evening procession will begin at 5 pm from three different places, culminating in an Adoration service in the Church at 6 pm. Details are on the notice board.
  • There will be no evening Masses on Sunday 26th November.
  • Application forms for St. Peter’s Junior K.G will be available online from Monday, 20th November.  Further details are on the school notice board.
  • The Care for Creation Group is initiating a campaign titled ‘Shift to Thrift’ to promote Sustainability and eco-friendly lifestyles.  The first event in this campaign is a sale of useful articles on 2nd and 3rd December.  Booking of stalls will be done in the parish office.  Kindly look up the posters on the notice board for further details.