Notices for Sunday, 15th January 2023

Notices for Sunday, 15th January 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • At the Masses this weekend, a lay person will share on her hopes for the New Year: hopes for the Church, for the Parish and for one’s own contribution to the world. We will listen to the lay person’s perspective, which will add to our own hopes for the year ahead.
  • Next Sunday is Bible Sunday – a day devoted to the Word of God, which nourishes our Christian living.
  • On Wednesday this week, the Church begins, the Christian Unity Octave, praying for unity among all Christian groups. As Pope Francis says, if we only involve in dialogue on theological issues, we will have to wait for the Second Coming of Jesus. Let us initiate fellowship and common action. At the next Saturday 6.15 pm Mass, there will be a special ecumenical sharing.
  • St. Peter’s Church which received a BMC Notice for the takeover of some land of our Seaside Cemetery for road-widening, has received a Notice of temporary withdrawal, while our representation is being considered. We thank those who joined the Candle-light Prayer March last Tuesday, which saw more than a thousand people in solidarity. We will continue to demand the withdrawal of the Sept 2022 Amendment to the Development Plan, which has caused this problem.
  • The St. Peter’s Health Cell is happy to announce the re-opening of the Skin Clinic, with Dr. Reshmi Dhurve on Thursdays from 8.30 am to 9.30 am. The evening clinics include various other specialities including general medicine, orthopedics, homeopathy and physiotherapy. Do take advantage of this service.