Notices for Sunday, 9th Oct 2022

Notices for Sunday, 9th Oct 2022

  • Post category:Notices
  • The St. Peter’s Unit of the Bombay Catholic Sabha is organizing an event on Election Consciousness entitled, “DON’T VOTE!” sorry, “DON’T JUST VOTE”! Speakers will make us aware of what elections are really about, from 6 pm to 7 pm this Sunday 9th Oct, in the Assembly Hall. Open to all. Invite your neighbours!
  • This Friday and Saturday 14th and 15th, St. Peter’s will have the privilege of having the Relic and Statue of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Besides a prayer at each Mass, we will have short sessions to learn about and thank God for this outstanding young witness to the power of the Eucharist. On Saturday 15th, from 9.00 am to 11.00 am, we will have half hour sessions for different zonal communities. The schedule will be sent to the communities. There will be a 30-minute session for all young people on Saturday 15th at 5.30 pm. The relic will leave for Mt. Carmel’s Church after the 6.15 pm Mass.
  • The Parish Pastoral Council meets this Friday 14th at 8.00 pm. Parishioners are encouraged to communicate feedback through a Council member.
  • St. Peter’s will begin a new series of Dialogue sessions in Church every 3rd Sunday after the 10 am Mass. The first session will be next Sunday 16th Oct from 10.50 to 11.30 am on the topic: “The Christian response to ‘religious and economic conflict’ in India”. The Parish Priest, Fr. Frazer, will give the presentation. Do come!
  • THE MAGIS” is an internationally renowned program of the Jesuits for young people, held this year at St. Peter’s from 22nd to 25th Oct. Young parishioners should not miss this opportunity!
  • Entry passes for the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, on 22nd, 23rd and 24th Oct are available in the Church Lobby. Please read the banner at the Entrance.
  • St. Stanislaus International requires a part-time teacher with a B.Sc. or M.Sc. in Physics or Maths and a B.Ed., to teach Physics and Maths for the Secondary Section. Applications are invited to: