Notices for Sunday, 26th June 2022

Notices for Sunday, 26th June 2022

  • Post category:Notices
  • The Jesuit Parish Team wishes all our Parishioners, a very Happy Feast of St. Peter, Patron of our Parish. May we all show the same courage that Peter showed, along with the early Church!
  • SPY and the YSS, are organizing a Parish Games Fiesta this Sunday 26th, our Feast Day from 10.00 am. Teams from the Parish will be competing with teams from other Parishes at Blind Throwball and Football Cricket on our Astroturf and on St. Peter’s Square. There will also be Food Stalls for the duration of the Masses and the Games. Do come to watch, cheer and join the action.
  • Next Sunday is the Solemnity of St. Thomas, Apostle of India. This Wednesday 29th is the Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul, Apostles. On First Friday 1st July, there will be the usual extra Mass at 6.00 pm.
  • The Senior Citizen’s Group invites seniors for Housie on Thurs 30th June at 5.30 pm in Our Lady’s Room.
  • Children who have completed their 10th STD and wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation scheduled for February 2023, may please register at the Parish Office by the 1st of July. Mandatory Preparatory sessions for Confirmation will begin from the 10th of July.
  • School children who have received First Holy Communion are invited to join the Altar Servers’ Group which meets every Sat at 4 pm.
  • Fr. Fio Mascarenhas SJ and the Retreat House, Bandra, are organising a 2-week residential Bible course from 11-23 July, the total cost of which is Rs 10,000/ for board and lodge. The course will cover important Old Testament books and all the books of the New Testament. Subsidies are possible for parishioners.
  • The Archdiocese invites you to a Course in Biomedical Ethics, which begins from 10th July. Please check the Notice board.
  • St. Stanislaus International School invites applications for the post of a Teacher’s Assistant for the Primary Section. A Teacher’s Training Certificate and some teaching experience is desirable. Those interested may meet the Principal on 27th or 28th June between 9 am and 12 noon.