Notices for Sunday, 12th June, 2022

Notices for Sunday, 12th June, 2022

  • Post category:Notices
  • Next Sunday is Corpus Christi – the Solemnity of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Very appropriately, at the 10 am Mass, we will have the induction of the Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers of the Parish for this year. The Names of the Applicants have been displayed on the Notice Board outside the Church. Anyone who wishes to make suggestions – approving or disapproving the choice of Eucharistic Ministers – may kindly meet Fr. Aubrey or Fr. Frazer before Wednesday, 15th June.
  • The Parish Pastoral Council members are in sessions during this weekend, to plan for the year ahead, discerning what direction and activities the Lord inspires. We request your prayers for this intention.
  • Fr. Dudley Mendonca, trained Counsellor, will offer a series of 10 sessions of 75 minutes each, for a maximum of 15 Couples of our Parish, on “Deepening Your Relationship”. Both spouses will be guided through PsychoSpiritual Inner Processing, to understand each other better, through inputs and exercises. The sessions will begin on Sunday 19th June, from 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm. Please register at the Reception.
  • The Bombay Catholic Sabha, St. Peter’s Unit, will hold its Annual General Body Meeting, which is a special Triennial meeting with elections, next Sunday 19th June at 11.00 am in Our Lady’s Room. Nominations are invited for the posts of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and forms are available at the Church Reception. This is a chance for active participation in a crucial group of the Parish.
  • The Archdiocese invites you to a Course in Biomedical Ethics, especially designed for lay persons, on moral questions that often trouble us, from 10th July. The sessions are on the 2nd Sunday of the month from July to March, 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. Please check the Notice board. The Parish would be happy to grant a subsidy.
  • CitizenCredit Cooperative Bank invites young graduates and others to apply for banking jobs at various levels. Please see the Notice Board,
  • St. Peter’s Parish requests contributions to the Parish Community Fund from which the Parish runs the Food for the Hungry Project and gives Medical and Educational Grants to those in need. The Community Fund Collection box is at the back of the Church.
  • A reminder that with the spread of Covid once again, the use of masks in the campus is mandatory. Please also keep as much physical distance from others as possible. Thank you.