Notices for Sunday, 5th February 2023

Notices for Sunday, 5th February 2023

  • Post category:Notices
  • This Sunday 5th Feb, 34 of our young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the 6.00 pm Mass. Do keep them in prayer.
  • The Bombay Catholic Sabha is organizing a Budget analysis session, “What they didn’t tell you!” on Tue 7th Feb from 6.30 pm, in the Loyola Hall at St. Peter’s. Don’t miss the opportunity to interact with experts.
  • Next Sat 11th is the World Day of the Sick celebrated on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Our Women’s Cell invites you to recite the Rosary at 5.30 pm in front of the Grotto. We also celebrate the good services of our doctors and volunteers in St. Peter’s Health Cell. We pray for healing, especially for the elderly.
  • Holy Family Hospital will offer a special Care Package for the elderly for the week from the 11th and a Talk on Geriatric Care on Sunday 12 Feb at 10.30 am. Details on the Notice Board.
  • The SPY will organize an Entertainment Program for Senior Citizens on Sunday 12th February at 6 pm in the Loyola Hall. Please register for this at the Parish Reception.
  • On the occasion of World Marriage Day on Sunday 19th February, there will be a special Liturgy at the 6.00 pm Mass for all married couples. The SPY will also organize a Celebration after this Mass in St. Peter’s Square. Couples are requested to register for this event at the Parish Reception.
  • This Sunday 5th, St. Joseph the Worker Parish invites you a Mega Gospel Nite called Lumino. Details on the banner outside.